old buddy, old pal.
really shouldn't be here doing this. Be much more useful to be doing some work or even some painting.

oops, looks like I should have cleaned these scans up a bit before posting them.
sorry 'bout the black lines at the edge.
my bad.

this one is really so strange. I still haven't decided if I am wasting my time with it or not. At this point, (above) it has cost me a lot of work but now I have decided to paint a turquoise circle inside each of the blue spaces, as you can see below.

this is obviously going to take me a while more.
(Insert smiley winky face here)
sorry these images come through so small.
it's a very dissapointing aspect of the new blogger. I liked it more when I could put the bigger images on the front page, even though I know that really caused problems for anybody who doesn't have broadband internet access. I suppose that what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabout.
I have included a detail of a small section of this ongoing work below.

I know you know this, but just in case, by clicking on the image, (or right clicking and choosing open link in new tab, or new window for those stubborn enough to still be using Internet Explorer), you can see a much larger version.
well I really should think about taking my little buddy down to the street and that stuff. although it is raining so he won't be too impressed with that and will not want to actually go out the door. Sometimes I have to carry him to a place that has a few square metres covered and let him have a run around there.
I find it quite incredible that they can build a city in a place where it rains in winter and not include awnings on the buildings so that one can walk around without an umbrella, or should I say with the umbrella folded up. I mean, with the population density that there is here it's not at all easy to walk around under an umbrella. The sidewalks are narrow, in places inexistant, the cars park on them willy nilly, the average Spaniard doesn't give a fuck, or even look before stepping out in front of you and yet there is no protection from the rain. I really can't get my head around most things these days. I guess I am reaching my limits on living in a big city.
I remember that Lucas told me I wouldn't like it, or wouldn't be able to stand it, and I guess he was right really, but I am pretty stubborn as well, and I have now clocked up more than five years.
Well, anyhow, I don't want to get on to bitching about the big city 'cause I might not be able to stop. and speaking of stopping, I really should be thinking about doing something with my day. I am starting to fear that I really might not finish my course in the alloted time and then I will be in a fine pickle.
The book has fallen through, or at least I reached and passed my limits of dealing with the idiots and I really don't have too many options left. Fuck the modern world. I am sure that a few hundred years ago I would have been quite secure at this age and not so disapointed in the human race and therefore a little more amenable to doing what it takes to get along and so forth. But now, in the year of our dog 2007, I am just waiting for the crash. Hope it comes along soon.
-On that uplifting note-
here comes my little buddy to ask me why we are here and not in the street. and I have no good answer, so to the street we must go. so tao, nice to talk to you and see you soon