letters to tao

Saturday, December 16, 2006

well that went alright sort of

once again I apologise tao, if you haven't got a high speed connection to the net my habit of putting the big photos on the front page must really drive you nuts.
but for me it's kinda important as that's the way I like it. I'm sort of assuming that you are either patient or you're not reading this anyway. but who cares. It's here to read if you want to. Don't know when I'll write something that makes the whole thing worth while.

life goes on as usual for me. geologic time scales are bloody frustrating to live through. Well not quite geologic, but something along those lines.
I'll go into that another time.
Ran into an anti-facist march out on Paseo de Extremadura but being with the better-half, who was scurrying from metro entrance to metro entrance, (boca de metro, literally metro mouth sounds better), I didn't stop to join in. I wanted too, but let it ride, as I usually do. Don't really go for people power all that much. Interesting looking bunch though. Just don't know exactly what manifestation of facism they are protesting.

nor would I be able to define well what it would be for me. but it's probably different than theirs.

well I am getting to be super tired, here smoking cones and using my time on writing meaningless drivil to you my estranged pal.
spose I should try again at another time.

until nuevas noticias

I'm going to put up a new banner.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

hi tao, it's been a long time

well for ever really, but I promise to start writing you more regularly. I've been really busy and a little stressed, but hey, them's the breaks.
before I go any further I should probably say, send more money, or paint. It's lean old times around here. you could send replacement cartriges for an epsom stylus photo R200 if you can get a good deal. They don't have to be genuine ones, but the other ones sometimes dry out in the nozzle and they can be a real pain. Data Becker seem alright, but the black ones don't work well, (aforementioned dry-out problem).
anyway that's enough along those lines, you get the picture, cycling clothes are always good too.
Yesterday I passed twelve thousand kilometers for the year, in peak hour Castellana traffic, right at the overpass at Ruben Dario. I love it when a plan comes together. Went out with Molina and we went to Colmenar via Hoyo de Manzanares and come back on the bike track, and then as that signifies one must cross Madrid north south to get home.
Or maybe you didn't know I had moved. Well now you do. We are now living in an almost humane manner, I'll include some piccies as we go on.
anyway, to go back to my cycling glory story.
twelve thousand kilometers isn't bad for an old drug addict, ¿no?, especially as there's still half of December to go and considering that I missed most of August, all of September and part of October, the best part of the season proper. (maybe I hadn't told you that I got operated on at the start of september, abdominal hernia)
Next year fifteen thousand is my goal. I reckon it's doable.
must give up smoking. Thought of trying eating the stuff, have actually done it a few times but it's the ritual of the coffee and the pipe and all that and the fact I like starving myself so much. That's another thing on my list of must look into changing, bad habits, can't help myself, lost control...
doesn't really work without the music does it.
No, so anyway, to go on; when I continue the nightime fast until well into the next day while drinking coffee and smoking cones I feel more, um, don't know. But I like it. I suppose most people would be horrified. But most people always are. Too horrified to pick up their own dog turds. I don't know who they think is going to pick them up. The street sweepers just ignore them completely, too busy sweeping up the fallen leaves to throw in to the general refuse. FUCK, I could just scream sometimes with having to put up with sharing the planet with this species and knowing that I am one of them, just makes it worse. I mean, doesn't make to much difference that I am conscious of the damage to the effect of the damage. Don't seem to be able to do a damn thing about it. I always thought by about this point I would have a following, or at least a bit of a low, strange media profile and people would ask my opinions about things. and I could yell at them "WAKE UP" like the mogambo idiot. and they would. Just like I always knew I would see the end of a civilisation, but I am still pretty confident about that one, actually.
but time goes by so slowly, sully sully as they call it here, (at least a friend of mine does. You know, Madonna sings that "time goes, by so slowly," and it does sound just like sully sully, even to my english speaking ear)

anyway, I really should get on and do some work. I don't think I have told you yet that I am doing a book project, absolute suicide financially, but it does offer a slim chance, like a lottery ticket, of being some sort of success and therefore vindicating my desision to continue in spite of my rational self screaming in my own ear, "LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE; ONE CAN'T DEAL WITH THE IDIOTS AND COME OUT UNSCATHED" which, coming from so close, was so loud it was painful.

anyhow I might wrap up then by trying to put a few photos in for your perusal. hope you've got the broadband going already or you'll be cursing me, well more than usual.

first off a real cutey, don't you think, technically a shocker, but you're more interested in me than technical perfection, ¿right?, ¿RIGHT?

and this one's pretty cute too. That's just outside the front door. The sign says, roughly, "no loose dogs, no ball games" ha ha ha

that's the front of the house. those three windows top left of center are ours.

and these are all views from the window

love you lots yadda yadda